Questionizer - Privacy Policy
Last Update: 08/05/2020
At RACA, we know that you care about your personal information, so we have prepared this privacy policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and protect your information. By using or accessing Questionizer, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We can update our Privacy Policy at any time. If we do this, we will indicate the date of the last revision of these terms at the top of this Privacy Policy.
1. Personal information is information that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person. When you sign in to Google or Facebook within Questionizer, Questionizer collects your personal information, including email address and name.
1. We may use your personal information to send important notices, such as purchase communications and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.
2. We do not treat the Registration Data as personal information or use it in association with other personal information, although we can add, analyze and evaluate such information, for purposes such as understanding or improving the service.
Questionizer does not share your information with third parties.
We may use third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Insights, to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Service. We collect and use this analytical information in aggregate form so that it cannot be reasonably manipulated to identify a particular individual user.
We will never monitor or save exams created by you within Questionizer, except those sent as requests to be saved on Questionizer's servers, which will be publicly available to all users (If you detect any exam with inappropriate vocabulary or infringing copyright , please report it to the support email so that it can be evaluated and deleted from our servers). However, we cannot prevent you from sharing your own exams. We recommend that you be careful when disclosing any information, personal or otherwise, when creating an exam and your questions, answers, etc.
Questionizer takes precautions including administrative, technical and physical measures to protect your personal information against loss, theft and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.
Questionizer does not process any data regarding payments within the application, everything is done through the services provided by Google.
In order for us to provide a free service, we may allow other companies to use cookies, ads and similar technologies within our Services. Such companies may collect data about the terms of use of our services over time and combine it with comparable data collected from other services and companies. Such data could be used, among other things, to analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, or better understand your online activities.
Questionizer is not responsible for links to third party content, applications, services and / or advertisements provided by Google Ads services, we are not responsible for their privacy policy or any matter related to such third party products, promotions or advertisements, including the responsibility to control the personal data that may be provided with respect to those products, promotions or advertisements. We invite you to read the privacy policies of all third party websites you visit.
This Privacy Policy is self-translated from Spanish, if you need absolute fidelity of the data we recommend reading it in Spanish.
If you have any questions or concerns about Questionizer's Privacy Policy, please contact us at ricardo.berrocal.apps@gmail.com.